Change workplace culture
People with disabilities, now the largest minority group in this country, are largely misunderstood by business leaders, managers,
disability advocates say the research and statistics on people's understanding of the disability community are still dismal.
A mere 12% of U.S. companies have reached the Department of Labor target of 7% disability representation.
one in four people of working age has a disability
People with disabilities are asking to be treated as equals not as charity cases
start breaking down the barriers between people who live with disabilities and the people who do not.
First step: stop assuming that most people understand the disability experience.
If you haven’t been able to hire people with disabilities, find out what the block in the system is
If you are a small business manager or owner, do your due diligence. Give people with disabilities outside your company a voice and a seat at your conference table.
If you are one of the 20% of people with disabilities who are employed, reach out to your employer and offer resources and education. Change the workplace culture.
If you care at all about bridging the gap, acknowledge that disability rights are human rights.