Curated resources on diversity, inclusion, accessibility and equity for libraries
Generic readings
- Do you want to dance? Inclusion and belonging in libraries and beyond:Christian Lauersen’s (@clauersen) keynote at the UX Libraries Conference 2018
- Diversity, inclusion, social justice and libraries: proposing a framework– the transcript of a speech from Chris Bourg (@mchris4duke)
- Diversity and inclusion in libraries– a blog post I wrote earlier this year that inspired my ALIA QLD Mini Conference presentation
- When I finally changed the way I felt about my disability– a piece I recently published on The Mighty (@TheMightySite) on accepting my disability
Let’s create inclusive spaces
Let’s be accessible
- Dos and Donts on designing for accessibility:The dos and don’ts of designing for accessibility are general best practice guidelines. Currently, there are six different posters in the series that cater to users from these areas: low vision, D/deaf and hard of hearing, dyslexia, motor disabilities, users on the autistic spectrum and users of screen readers
- Accessibility and study hack:Flic French (@JustFlic) created a module on creating accessible content
- Digital accessibility toolkit: toolkit on designing accessible digital content
- Universal Design for Learning guidelines:a table that illustrates UDL guidelines
- Accessible Social Media: Accessibility tips for Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Flickr and Google +
- Accessibility quick cards: Simple reminders on ways to make emails, documents and social media posts more accessible.
- Six core skills of accessibility: Here are six core skills that we all can use to contribute to a more digitally accessible environment
- 5 ways to make your Tweets more accessible: for all the Twitter users out there!
- Project ENABLE:an online platform that supports librarians in creating inclusive and accessible libraries for people with disabilities
- Open Education Accessibility Toolkit:The goal of this accessibility toolkit, is to provide resources for each content creator, instructional designer, educational technologist, librarian, administrator, and teaching assistant to create a truly open textbook—one that is free and accessible for all students.
- Turbitt & Duck Podcast Episode 8 [1hr 6mins]:Katie Lumsden chats about dyslexia and libraries.
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG):Worldwide guidelines for web accessibility to ensure web content is available to all
- Getting started with the Marrakesh Treaty:a guide for librarians
Let’s be diverse & welcoming
- Indigenous spaces in library spaces: online toolkit for building a vibrant public library network inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
- Libraries are for everyone: inclusive posters (I used one of these in my presentation).
- Sensory safety:After my speech, I got a lot of questions regarding sensory safety and sensory bags in libraries. Akron Summit County Public Library (@akronlibrary) and KultureCity (@kulturec) have joined forces to enhance sensory-inclusion throughout libraries in the US.
- The 3Ps of creating a welcoming library: Focus on policies, practices and patrons to foster inclusion
- Doing a YA Collection Diversity Audit Series by TeenLibrarianToolBox (@TLT16)
- Turbitt & Duck Podcast Episode 22 [40mins]:Maeva Masterson talks about classifying library collections, cultural safety and air-conditioning
- Turbitt & Duck Podcast Episode 14 [1hr 12mins]:Nathan Sentance talks about cultural collections, looking for authentic sources and being critical
- The danger of a single story :In this video we hear about the power of storytelling as a tool to construct understanding of people and cultures different from our own. Ask yourself, who tells the story of your culture, and does it represent how you’d like the world to see you?
- Creating metadata for equity, diversity, and inclusion:Some great ideas for building diversity and discoverability in our repositories and catalogues
- Diversity means disruption:a great blog post by Nathan Sentance (@SayWhatNathan)
Let’s use inclusive language & representations
- Words at Work:Building inclusion through the power of language, created by Diversity Council Australia (@DivCouncilAus)
- Language and terminology guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Created byAustralians Together and licensed under Creative Commons
- The Human Library:The Human Library is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. The Human Library is a place where real people are on loan to readers. A place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.
- Gender specific and gender neutral pronouns: an infographic
- Disability is not a bad word:disability and language by Chloe Tear (@chloeltear)
- Disability etiquettes and inclusive language: two facts sheets
Let’s be inclusive library professionals
- The Art of Inclusion:Diversity Council Australia’s (@DivCouncilAus) podcast on who we include, who we don’t, and how we can do better in everything from gender, race, mental health and disability, through to the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ and our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
- Communication tips for librarians working with hard of hearing/deaf clients: Information for librarians who work with deaf or hard of hearing clients or with deaf-related collections
- How non-indigenous Australians can be good allies to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: 6 tips I wrote in conjunction with two of my Aboriginal colleagues
- What is kindness: Rowena McGregor (@rowenamcgregor) wrote a thoughtful piece on what is kindness and how it relates to libraries
- Unconscious bias test:Take this Implicit Association Test to see what unconscious biases you may have
- R U OK? How to have the R U OK conversation:a speech I did for R U OK day on how to have R U OK conversations
- Building inclusion:an evidence-based model of inclusive leadership by Diversity Council Australia (@DivCouncilAus)
- Be inclusive every day:an infographic on how you can be inclusive every day
- Manager’s roadmap to LGBTIQ inclusion:a quick guide to LGBTIQ inclusion
- Workplace mental health toolkit:a practical guide and resource from Black Dog Institute
- Social work for librarians:an editorial on cultural humility
- Professional development – who’s role is it anyway?Clare Thorpe (@thorpe_clare) writes about the importance of professional development. We need to incorporate diversity and inclusion professional development opportunities in our libraries.