ODEP High School/High Tech Program (HS/HT)
- The High School/High Tech Program (HS/HT) provides opportunities for students with all types of disabilities to explore exciting careers in science, mathematics, and technology. The program is one of several initiatives of the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
- HS/HT sites strive to deliver sites are incorporating four design features into their programs: preparatory experiences, connecting activities, work-based experiences, and youth development and leadership activities.
- HS/HT programs depend on community involvement and require partnerships between many stakeholders, depending on the dynamics of the locality. The programs flourish when public/private partnerships develop around the design features. Suggested HS/HT partners include Workforce Investment Boards, Vocational Rehabilitation agencies, school systems, colleges and universities, disability service providers, employers, and families.
- Technical assistance and support to HS/HT sites nationwide is provided by the ODEP-funded National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth). With the support of NCWD/Youth, ODEP has produced a newHS/HT Program Manual, which will assist HS/HT sites in incorporating the transition design features into their programs. To learn more about starting a High School/High Tech program in your state, contact NCWD/Youth.